Saturday, January 14, 2006


Four Jobs You've Had:
My parents had a number of small businesses when I was growing up and we kids always had a role to play so…. I taught ballet, maintained indoor plants, plumbed, made sand painting, milked goats, installed gymnastic equipment, processed photographs, and many other things until I started having babies ( a little ahead of the official marriage ) and that was a good job for about 10 years then I went back to school in 1990 and became a dental hygienist, and this has done a good job of supporting the art side of me, I am looking for a new permanent position and let me tell you guys there are a lot of strange offices with strange dentists out there!!!

Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over:
I am not a big movie watcher and could probably tell you the ones I would not want to watch easier but let’s see…..
The Princess Bride ( wonderful)

I can’t think of anything else…

Four Places You've Lived:

I was born in Eugene Oregon moved up the Willamette Valley when I was 10 to Salem Oregon, then we moved to Stayton Oregon when I was 14. I lived in Aloha Oregon after I was married for about 13 years and now we are back in Stayton. Where I hope I can live till I die. Actually during the week we are once again up in Aloha so we can be closer to our jobs but this house is where my heart is…
Four TV Shows you love to Watch:
my favorite show is Oregon Art Beat

and I enjoy Nova too….mostly I like books on tape and my new fav, xm public radio and classical music
Four Places You've Been on Vacation:
We don’t know how to do this…we went to Vancouver Island before Conrad was born so he is 19 years old now….. Four Websites You Visit Every Day:
I try to visit the artful quilters everyday but lately that has been hit and miss due to spending the week in a temporary residence and having a job in a different location everyday, I also check my bank cause that is how I keep (sort of ) track of our cash flow and I read emails and check on the yahoo groups to which I belong
Four Of Your Favorite Foods:
I like my coffee!!! And red meat!!! And butter!!! And Cheese!!! Hum better go on that diet…..notice how diet contains the word die…… Four Places You'd Rather Be:
I would love to visit the British Isles, and maybe see New Zealand, Hawaii and Spain…..but I have no great desire to be anywhere but here….
Four Albums You Can't Live Without
My current listening pleasure on CD

Pink Martini
Nickel Creek
Yo Yo Ma

Tag complete…if you made it this far you know more about me that you wanted to……

1 comment:

Gerrie said...

I love the Pink Martini. I hope to see them in person after we move to Portland.