Sunday, January 29, 2006


I have begun to think of Sundays as a blessing and a curse...Amen.....I have begun staying home all day instead of attending church...which I enjoy....but takes half of one of the two days I have to feed the creative part of my soul.. so I'll feed the part that enjoys the church going when the need arises.....I have no news on the job search...I have turned down 5 jobs so far...different reasons for them all that include unhappy wife ar front wife ( used to be the hygienist) at front so small there is no front desk...etc. .....I decided I have a new rule...(Sonji should like this) If the office is so small that the whole office smells if someone poops in the restroom...then it is too small for I continue to temp...quite the adventure...we are staying with my sister during the week which seems to be working well for her ...she is burning the candle at more that 2 ends trying to keep the coffee house is not bringing in as much revenue as she thought she would because the roaster is not able to be vented due to the city restrictions...the cost to hook this up is ow exceeding 40,000 $$$ and she is considering bringing it home to hook up in her garage and use the space in the shop for a wine bar.....I would like to develope an " art night" or "art bar" maybe on sunday afternoons ...provide accessible projects to lure folks in??? what do you guys think???

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