Sunday, August 20, 2006

did I tell you the story of....

my stove???

this was my Dad's Grandma's family recieved it when she "upgraded" I was born but so young I don't ever remember not having it in our family home....when we moved to our current location the stove was stored for awhile and then went to a cabin for some years ....when we built our house in 1998 I knew that that stove was going to be the heart of our is where I learned to cook...and like all born mothers you know that feeding your folks is as good as loving is kind of a pain cause it is NOT easy to clean...but I love it....


Karoda said...

I'm digging the new look...very clean...and of course the story of the stove is a heart stealer.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Ginger, the stove is a fabulous piece of artwork in itself. It is fitting you should feature it in your home!
Lucky you! :-)