Tuesday, June 07, 2005

virtuousity ....NOT

nobody is home at my house tonight...this is an event I think I will have to get more used to ...but...until I do ...tonight oh virtual virtuousnesses I had...for dinner...a large piece of marionberry pie ...and ...a glass of shiraz....they went together pretty well....


Gerrie said...

I'm glad someone does not feel compelled to be virtuous, but I gotta try it for my health's sake. After my twenty days, I am going to try pie and wine - what a combination!

Karoda said...

what is marionberry (as in the former mayor of DC?) pie. I love shiraz though...so that goes well with any dinner ;)

Deb R said...

Karoda beat me to it...I want to know what a marionberry is!

Anonymous said...

Whatever it is, it sounds good to me!

Debra said...

Marionberry pie...yum. (for the uninitiated, marion berries are like blackberries... only better). Don't know about the wine, but I'll take a big piece of that pie.

After you get used to being alone... (it takes a little time) you may find yourself longing for it at times. I tell Steve I'd be happy if he travelled once week every 2 months. Alas, since his promotion, he's travelling less.

Actually, he's out of town right now. I was planning on sushi for supper... but pie sure sounds good.