Monday, June 27, 2005

this is my daughter Mariah and son Conrad, they played at a restaurant in portland called strombolis...we had a good meal and great music ..if you are near Portland Oregon it is a decent place to eat...and Mariah waits table there usually so will have her pretty face to make the meal better!! Posted by Hello


Maggie Ann said...

How wonderful your daughter plays the harp!! (and your son-in-law is musical too). They must make beautiful harmony. What a blessing!

Jen said...

Neat job for your kids! My son is musical too, but he favors electric guitar and drums. Not as harmonious most of the time! Jen

Frances said...

I now live in the land of music, celtic folk that is, on the islands music is the 'only' art,
I have changed trains in Portland several times but never stayed over so only ever had a few hours to look around, must stay over next time,
pleased you had such a nice evening, how proud you must be,

Gerrie said...

Where is the restuarant. My daughter lives there.