Saturday, July 09, 2005

This is the Marine was a very difficult thing to do...leave him with the recruiter....I am quite liberal in my politics and I generally disagree with force as an option...I don't think it ever really solves any problems ...and the situation now...well...I don't belive it is just...but Conrad has an overdeveloped and 18 year old ( and male ) sense of justice and he thinks he is part of an effort to help correct the evils in the amount of parental persuasion could change his I support his choice to start his life and pray that he is not so spiritually and emotionally wounded that he will not be the wonderful and idealistic young man he is now...he thinks we are afraid that he will die...and although I cannot imagine how we would go on..that is not my worst fear for him...I love hime so much ...he has been by far the easiest and most enjoyable of my children to raise.. ( I love all four the same but ) and I miss him  Posted by Picasa

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