Monday, May 02, 2005


Lately for the sunday school opening ( my Mom and I do this together ) we have been exploring some of the symbology used in christian art. Last sunday we did colors. Traditional colors arere
white - pure and complete used at easter and christmas
red- a power color used at pentecost reformation and holy cross sundays
green- the most common color, new growth, used during the season of pentecost or "ordinary times " and also during the season of epiphany
purple- a penitential or preparatory color used during advent and lent
black- for mourning used on ash wednesday through good friday

some more contempory color choices include scarlett, sky blue, and gold.

We looked at shapes a couple of sundays ago, and then numbers. We have monograms to go then we will almost be done with this year. My favorite year was the year we learned the hebrew alphabet. I made vests with each letter and the kids took turns "being" the letter for the day. Of course they remember the alphabet better now than I do!!!

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