Saturday, May 07, 2005

I made this vest a couple of months ago after " surface designing " this satin fabric left over from flower girl dressmaking for my nephews wedding....I like it in theory reality I feel like an ottoman with it on...jeez  Posted by Hello


Logan said...

I totally get the Ottoman commment. Every couple of months I get an urge to make wearable art, so I create another vest, or jacket, or skirt, or shirt, etc. The creation process is always a blast, but I have only one of these items that I would ever wear in public, and even that is with trepidation. Why? Because, as you stated with such eloquence, I feel like an ottoman in each garment. Why is it that every piece of wearable art I make ends up adding 30 pounds and weird angles to my frame? Sigh.

arlee said...

I face the same problem with a larger "prow" shall we say :}---do a LONG vest of drapeier fabric or use princess seaming and embellish more at the hem and front edges--flows better then and ya look smashing and artsy!