Monday, November 07, 2005

The shop owner

Here is a bad photo of my sister Heather. My husband and I and my Dad and some of my children have spent the last 3 weekends trying to get this shop complete so she can open. Every thing that could go wrong has and just today the plumbing inspection failed. She is so stressed she is calm....we worked on putting in the rubber molding stuff that you have to have anywhere you might be that is aching back...she is always on the floor or something and the vendors that come in don't hardly give her the time of day...even though it is all her money that pays them...funny how what you look like drives how people interact with you....anyway we hope she is able to open soon or she might implode......or waste away..she is so skinny... Posted by Picasa


Karoda said...

when the shop is up and running, i hope all this stress will just be a vague memory. but how wonderful that she has such support of family!

and i love the design of your quilt in the above post.

Frances said...

good luck to your sister with her shop, trust all the hard work will pay off,

I can't remember if I said happy birthday, I have been catching up with posts after being away 2 weeks so if I didn't,
Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY Wishes,

Elle said...

Good luck to her on her shop! It is always exciting to help someone with a dream!