Sunday, November 13, 2005


There will eventually be a roaster at the shop producing the lovely aroma and enticement to buy buy buy....this is some of the packaging. We helped to put up the paper-towel and toilet paper dispensers, did some cleaning of the refridgerators and of course taste tested. There continues to be delays in the plumbing and electrical but slowly the shop is coming together. We will get to spend more time there too cause I have given my notice at my current job which is about an hour southwest of our house and am looking for a job closer to the shop and my husbands work which is about an hour and 15 minutes north of our house. We have decided to stay "in the city" for the work week and come home on the weekends. We have yet to fully decide how to go about that actually but at least we are looking and talking. It is wierd to plan ones life without kid considerations. My husband is happy that his driving time will be shorter and that I will be going the same way as he does for the first ime in 10 years. Posted by Picasa

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