Friday, September 23, 2005


1. The creation of art is intended to illuminate and reveal a narrative story that is a reflection of my voice.

2. My intention is to create art that illuminates and reveals a narrative story that reflects my voice.

3. The art is created to illuminate and reveal a narrative story that reflects my voice.

Which one or none???


Karoda said...

2 or 3, with more leaning toward 2. But I think there is some rule about writing an artist's statement around using personal pronouns...not sure...will be coming back to check comments because I'm curious.

Beth said...

I believe 1st person is acceptable. "I create art to illuminate and reveal a narrative story that reflects my voice."

gabrielle said...

#2 is the best yet....maybe you could say "my work is intended, etc." for a smoother syntax. I am so proud of your hard one knows better how hard this is....and nothing is more boring than reading over and over againg, "I, I, I"....sound like the return to school what I did on my summer vacation.

Val said...

I think no 2 is the best. You could turn the words all around and say something on the lines of...'Creating art illuminates and reveals a narrative story which reflects my voice!' Thus getting rid of any personal pronouns at the beginning of the sentence.