Monday, September 19, 2005

avoidance and creativity

Sometimes.....OK lots of times ....I use my creativity to avoid doing things I don't like doing very toilet cleaning and bill paying and things...this weekend I did both of those disgusting things and cleaned the laundry mess out of Conrad's room (who is in boot camp and he promised to do this before he left) and swept floors and cleaned out the freezer and made some phone calls I have been putting off...but one item is left ...I need to change my artist statement so that it doesn't include "I" and "I" am avoiding brain cannot even get around how to say that this is my statement without saying ME ME ME ...hum I have been looking at the wardrobe for the trip to San Diego next week ( for the boot camp graduation ) and it seems lacking...mostly cause I want to make some kind of statement with my clothing like " I raised liberal kids " or something... so I gingerfied a few things including this jacket ...I like these little ladies so much they might become a " series " how do you like that you shoe gals??? ....but first I have to make that not"I" statement ....and maybe a not"I" quilt...but not right now ...I'm avoiding


jenclair said...

These little birdies are wonderful, cheerful, and have terrific taste in shoes!

Pat Dolan said...

So write your statement as though you were writing it for your best friend! But leave out the "she" stuff, too. This 3rd person stuff is all about loving detachment, right?! ggg

gabrielle said...

Pat's right on the button...try using my instead of I or use phrases like /the work...maybe just start with Creativity or creatign.