Saturday, June 24, 2006

"Tropical Fire"

"Tropical Fire"
"Tropical Fire",
originally uploaded by hummingwoods2.
remember this??? I posted this quilt a couple of months ago...I decided to entry it into a juried show so I had my Dad photograph it with his great set-up.....he has been working hard ( and spending some money) to get a studio photography system up and running...he wants to be able to digitally photograph art and print for re-sale or digitally enter shows etc......even offer the service for some income.....he is really getting good at my Mom's art and now I am pushing him to deal with the intricacies of textiles...we learned alot with this one and I think next time we will try some different lighting techniques....what do you think can you tell the difference ????? this was my original photo with just my little camera

1 comment:

Karoda said...

The colors are more vivid in the one your father took. And I also like city lights!