Saturday, March 10, 2007


Yesterday I invited some family members for dinner....and at the table some personal confessions were made by a member of our family who has lived a long life with his involves base instincts and less than socially acceptable ...he has hidden this and acted it out in very poor and unsafe ways....I do not object to the inclination....just the way he has chosen to act upon so sad to think that a person could have had a "love" that included the physical but instead has lived "a lie" and suffered the have his children ....and now his husband cannot talk about this.....his Dad.....fortunately our son was here and he was the most helpful....first he diffused and then he said "I love you"...with out reserve...I am proud of him...and sorry for my husband.....oooof....I am off to the clay ball tonight to see how much someone will pay for "mood-swings"


Karoda said...

hangeth in...healing isn't on a time clock, (unfortunately) but it will come

Anonymous said...

Ginger: since it is your husbands father, I am assuming he is not a oung man. The elderly often speak inappropriately and without thinking. I hope that you all can work this out. Blessings.