Sunday, March 26, 2006

where have I been?

the answer is ALL OVER THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY....I have been working for a temp service since last december and they have had me running to and fro these last couple of weeks...I just barely make it home and then I'm off is really a blessing I don't have those family obligations cause I'd be toast!!! I made it to church today and was inspired...which is what is supposed to happen.....I have been creating some good stuff I think ...just need to settle down and get some photos for you all...I took this photo through my car window on the way to work on Friday morning..I'm going to try and keep the camera with me as the days are getting long enough that there is enough light before and after work to see the beautiful sights we have here....if I'm going to drive all over kingdom come I better record the beauty of said kingdom!! Posted by Picasa


Karoda said...

It looks like it was once a country store? any idea?

Gerrie said...

When are you gonna drive by here? VBG!